Post by Raiken on May 23, 2004 0:25:22 GMT -5
The four pilots Well I just recently downloaded this anime and am halfway through it. It doesn't seem bad and has a solid plot and cast although the fanservice is just ridiculous. I'm unsure if I'll buy it when it comes here but I considered the fact my anime collection is sorely lacking some ecchi anime so it'll probably get added to the shelf(I'm currently downloading ikkitousen which is also supposed to have mad fanservice, for some reason I'm watching a lot of this kind of anime lately). This is fanservice for those unfamiliar with the term... ;D
Post by Goemon on May 23, 2004 1:13:54 GMT -5
Never seen this one, but the obvious over exposure of underage chicks is kind of disturbing.
Post by Raiken on May 23, 2004 11:55:21 GMT -5
Yeah but some of the older female characters get exposed too though ;D
Post by Greg on May 24, 2004 5:28:42 GMT -5
Oh well, at least it's animated, and fiction, so it's all good. I'll check out an ep or 3 to check out the plot. (Honestly! ) Ikkitousen was pretty weird. But the action was ok I guess. If they'd just get less panty shots in the action scenes...the character "Hakefu" was loveable tho. ;D
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Post by Hibiki on May 25, 2004 11:44:09 GMT -5
Fan service!? Now I have a reason to borrow this from my friend. ;D I'll post my thoughts after watching it.
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Post by supremelord on May 27, 2004 10:06:43 GMT -5
Diffenently another Anime to get and check out ;D *sigh* the sheer joy and wonder of this forum is beyond belief